domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010


era una mañana fría, paseábamos por una de tantas plazas de hormigón en cuyo centro había un pequeño estanque lleno de agua cristalina, la cual nada mas verla incrementaba la sensación de frío, justo e uno de sus lados un grupo de palomas estaban dándose un baño matutino, al verlas lo que más me llamó la atención fue que en medio de todas, una erguía su cabeza estilizando mas aún su cuerpo, era blanca y daba la sensación de ser la reina del palomar, evidentemente no dudé en disparar esta foto que claramente tenía que ser en blanco y negro.

It was a cold morning, we were walking along one of so many squares of concrete in whose center there was a small reservoir full of crystalline water, which nothing mas to see her was increasing the sensation of cold, just person and one of your sides a group of doves were giving them a morning bath, on having seen them what more was called me the attention was that in the middle of all, one was raising his head stylizing mas still his body, it was white and was giving the sensation of being the queen of the dovecot, evidently I did not hesitate to shoot this photo that clearly had to be in black and white.

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